Day September 16, 2022

How to Identify Customer Pain Points and Eliminate Them

Of all the prospects who convert into leads, only around 10-15% go on to actually make a purchase. There are several issues on the customer journey⁠—from cost to convenience to points of contact⁠—that can cause someone to decide against buying. Customer pain…

5 Benefits of Graphic Design For Businesses

With all the noise and clutter online, it’s a challenge to make any business stand out. But by investing in graphic design, you can do more than just make your Instagram page pleasing to the eyes. The benefits of graphic…

How to Build Company Culture With Vlaid

Business is a human endeavor. Despite the rise of automation, remote work, and online transactions, it will always have a human element—businesses work with and for people, after all. This is why company culture is an integral part of a company’s success. Company culture…

How Vlaid Helps Companies Generate Solar Leads

Getting high-quality solar leads results in better conversions and more sales. This is especially true for solar companies, given the discerning nature of most of their buyers. By hiring a Magic assistant to help with lead generation, you can get…